All India Rank-20 C.S. Exam. 2004
I Stressed on Writing Structured Answers
Language plays a crucial role in the main exam. If the language is good, it communicates your message clearly and precisely. ‘Good’ language means simple, lucid and intelligible language, with short and meaningful sentences. Good language does not mean language loaded with big and heavy words and complex sentences. It applies to all the papers, including Essay.
What was your strategy for success?Planned hard work; particularly I stressed on writing “structured answers.” It is the writing communication which fetched me better marks. I resorted to the presentation of answers in point and attractive formats.
What were your Optionals?Political Science International Relations and History.
On what basis did you select them?It was a planned strategy these Optionals were my subjects at Graduation level.
What should be the approach of beginners in selecting Optionals?The Criteria of selecting Optionals should be aptitude, interest and ability to comprehend the subject matter. Also, one should be able to express views in lucid and simple language.
What was your plan for preparation?My plan for preparation was to go for the examination after my graduation. Preparation at graduation level was a part of preparation for civil services. Therefore, Optionals for civil services were already selected.
When actual preparation for civil services examination began, I prepared my own notes, as my style of studying was by preparing notes. I prepared notes on almost every topic.
Later on, I changed my strategy a little bit. Instead of preparing notes topic wise, I prepared by writing answers on every topic and sub topic, which paid rich dividends.
How much the quality of language is effective in main exam?Language plays a crucial role in the main exam. If the language is good, it communicates your message clearly and precisely. “Good” language means simple, lucid and intelligible language, with short and meaningful sentences. Good language does not mean language loaded with big and heavy words and complex sentences. It applies to all the papers, including Essay.
Your opinion about coaching institutes?Coaching institutes could play the role of improving your performance. The coaching institute can guide you along right path particularly in writing proper and complete answers.
However, all coaching are not good, only select few give proper guidance in writing quality answers.Coaching institutes help to a particular point only candidate himself has to devise the means to achieve the goal.
Did you prepare notes for Optionals and G.S.?Yes, I did. It helps in creating structured answers. It also gives you confidence as you are ready to tackle any question as preparation takes place along those lines. Above all it helps in time management in the main examination.
(Career Quest General Studies Notes for Prelims and mains